FamilyMart Limited "Double Cream Sandwich Amaou Strawberry & Whipped Cream"
It ’s a strawberry-covered cake.

I tried "Double Cream Sandwich Amaou Strawberry & Whipped Cream" limited to FamilyMart. Strawberry-flavored sponge on the outside, strawberry whipped cream on the inside, and strawberry dessert with strawberry sugar chips on top.

FamilyMart Limited "Double Cream Sandwich Amaou Strawberry & Whipped Cream"
Click here for the package

The price is 158 yen (tax included) and the calories are 368 kcal. Two plump pink sponge cakes with whipped cream with strawberry jam and milk whipped cream, with a cut on the top and a bright red strawberry sugar chip.

FamilyMart Limited "Double Cream Sandwich Amaou Strawberry & Whipped Cream"

When you insert a knife and cut it, you can see the whipped cream divided into two layers. When you hold it in your hand and bring it close to your face, the strawberry flavor will be sweetened even before you put it in your mouth.

FamilyMart Limited "Double Cream Sandwich Amaou Strawberry & Whipped Cream"
The whipped cream has a taste reminiscent of strawberry bavarois.

The cake dough has a sweet and sour scent and has a moist texture. The whipped cream with jam has a strong strawberry feeling, and the rich flavor of the boiled fruit is softened with cream, which is reminiscent of strawberry bavarois.

If you eat one, you will get very hungry, so it may be a good substitute for a light lunch. If you want to combine drinks, we recommend cafe au lait, milk tea, and other gentle flavors.