Lawson "Uchi Cafe x GODIVA Chocolat Mont Blanc"
Autumn sweets

At each Lawson store, collaboration sweets with GODIVA "Uchi Cafe x GODIVA Chocolat Mont Blanc" and "Uchi Cafe x GODIVA Chocolatier Cake" will be released on September 4th (excluding some stores). Limited quantity.

Chocolat Mont Blanc is a Mont Blanc made by wrapping chocolate cream and chocolate ganache in cream using European marron. The base meringue is coated with chocolate and has a light taste. The finish is topped with shaving chocolate, cocoa powder and chocolate with the logo.

Accented with sweet and sour cassis jule. The jelly enhances the mellow sweetness of chestnuts and the taste of chocolate. The price is 480 yen (tax included).

Chocolat cake is a cake with candy-coated pecan nuts and chocolate with logo on a rich chocolate ganache. The base Graham biscuits are accented with fiantine (thinly baked and crushed crepe dough) and almonds. The price is 350 yen (tax included).

Lawson "Uchi Cafe x GODIVA Chocolat Cake"
Thick cake