KALDI "Little Melon Pan"

KALDI "Small Melon Pan

I found this snack at KALDI's, "Tiny Melon Pan" (140 yen including tax). I was attracted by the panda on the package and bought it, but it was unexpectedly delicious. I recommend toasting it lightly in a toaster!

KALDI "Little Melon Pan"
Small melon bread

As the name suggests, the small melon bread is a bite-sized melon bread-like pastry. Cookie dough filled with melon juice and granulated sugar is baked and filled with custard cream.

KALDI "Little Melon Pan"

The soft and moist dough has a crispy texture when chewed. The richness of the cream that overflows from the inside, the sweetness of the sugar, and the elegant melon aroma intertwine and spread.

KALDI "Little Melon Pan"
Sweet cream inside.

Toasting makes it even better!

They are delicious as they are, but toasting them makes them 100 times better, and is by far the best way to enjoy them!

The dough on the outside becomes crispy and savory, and the sweetness of the candy-like texture disappears. The cream inside is also smoother. Toasting makes it more like a melon bread.

KALDI "Little Melon Pan"
Bake for 1-2 minutes until crispy.

A perfect snack when you are a little hungry. If you especially like the cookie dough part of melon bread, you must try it!

KALDI "Little Melon Pan"