Lawson "Bear Cupcake"
Colorful bear cupcakes!

At each Lawson store, two types of "bear cupcakes" will be released on April 27 (excluding some areas and stores). Cute sweets that look like "bears" and are perfect for Children's Day.

Kuma's cupcake (mix) is based on sponge, melon mousse, orange mousse, soda mousse, strawberry mousse, and grape mousse, topped with whipped cream and biscuits. It is a cupcake with various tastes that looks like a bear.

Lawson "Bear Cupcake"
Multicolored mix

Kuma's cupcake (chocolate) is based on chocolate sponge, chocolate crunch, chocolate cream, vanilla mousse, and chocolate sauce, topped with chocolate cream, cocoa, and biscuits. The overall brown visual may be more like a "bear".

Lawson "Bear Cupcake"
Is it bearish? chocolate

The price is 295 yen (tax included).