FamilyMart "Domestic Chicken Salad Chicken Karamucho Hot Chili Flavor"
Collaboration with Karamucho!

A new flavor of salad chicken, "Domestic Chicken Salad Chicken Karamucho Hot Chili Flavor," will be released on October 24th at FamilyMart, Circle K, and Sunkus stores (Okinawa Prefecture will be released on October 31st). The price is 258 yen (tax included).

A collaboration between the popular salad chicken and Koike-ya's snack "Karamucho". Salad chicken using domestic chicken breast meat is exquisitely seasoned with spicy pepper, garlic and onion flavors. It's delicious that the spiciness that comes after it is addictive.

The package is designed with the familiar "Grandma Hee" and a bright red flame that expresses the spiciness. It is finished in a package that makes you want to pick it up.