Lotteria "Meat Day" Limited "Meat-rich Cheeseburger"
Large volume of meat sticking out!

At each Lotteria store (excluding some stores), "Meat-rich Cheeseburger" will be on sale for a limited time from January 27th to 29th and February 7th to 9th.

"29 Meat (Niku) Day Campaign" products that are held on the 29th (Niku Day) of every month. In February, when there is no 29th, the campaign will be held with the 9th as Nik's Day.

The exquisite cheeseburger with a lot of meat uses a patty that weighs about 1.5 times the weight of the standard product "Exquisite Cheeseburger" and is topped with natural cheese (Gouda cheese, red cheddar cheese) that weighs about twice as much. The buns are made from sake, and you can enjoy the mellow aroma and the "fluffy, chewy" texture. The price is 500 yen per item.

In addition, the "Meat-rich Double Exquisite Cheeseburger" (800 yen including tax), which has two patties, will be on sale at the same time.

Lotteria "Meaty Double Exquisite Cheeseburger"
Two patties, "Meaty Double Exquisite Cheeseburger"