Lawson Banana Crepe Chocolate Chip & Cookie Cream
Image of Snoopy's favorite food!

New products "Banana Crepe Chocolate Chip & Cookie Cream" and "Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bread" were released on June 10th at each Lawson store.

All of these products are based on the image of the popular character "Snoopy"'s favorite "chocolate chip cookie." An illustration of Snoopy is designed on the package.

Banana crepe chocolate chip & cookie cream is a crepe that wraps banana slices and cream made with cocoa cookies and chocolate chips. The price is 325 yen (tax included).

On the other hand, the crunchy chocolate chip cookie bread is made by wrapping chocolate cream with a "baked chocolate texture" in bread dough and baking it on top of the chocolate chip-containing cookie dough. The price is 140 yen (tax included).

Lawson "Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bread"
Bread with a crunchy texture looks delicious!