When you take medicines and nutritional supplements, why don't you just swallow them with the tea in the teacup? The sloppy writer often does it, but apparently this shouldn't have been done.

"Green tea" is said to have many merits such as high antioxidant activity, but expert experiments have shown that "green tea" may interfere with the efficacy of certain drugs .

"Green tea" that Japanese people love, but ...
"Green tea" that Japanese people love, but ...

According to British media BBC News , experiments have shown that people who take nadolol (a drug used to treat high blood pressure and angina) with "green tea" have a low circulation rate of the drug in the blood. Even just a few cups of green tea can be enough to prevent the drug from working.

Doctors have warned that certain fruits, such as grapefruit, can interfere with the efficacy of some drugs. In addition, the study reveals that green tea can affect the efficacy of blood pressure medications.

There is also a combination of medicines
There is also a combination of medicines

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't drink green tea at all. People taking nadolol could avoid this problem by drinking green tea with more than four hours between them, said Sotiris Antoniou of the British Pharmacy Society.

I haven't thought about it before, but it's understandable that doctors say, "Take medicine with water." If anyone around you is drinking nadolol with green tea, you might want to tell us about the results of this study.

Take the medicine correctly by observing the usage and dosage.
Take the medicine correctly by observing the usage and dosage.