"Acai bowls" using the popular "Acai" as a healthy ingredient will be on sale at Lawson stores from November 12th. The price is 360 yen.
Is "Acai Bowl" also at a convenience store?
Is "Acai Bowl" also at a convenience store?

Acai bowl is a popular menu in Hawaii for a healthy breakfast. The product to be released this time is topped with yogurt jelly, acai and framboise sauce, banana, strawberry, blueberry three kinds of fruits, and cereal.

Acai is also called "super fruit" and is attracting attention as a "healthy food" because it contains abundant nutrients such as polyphenols, iron, dietary fiber, and calcium. Its popularity is increasing in Japan as well, such as the arrival of the cafe "Island Vintage Coffee " with "Acai Bowl" as its signature menu from Hawaii.

At Lawson, " Eggs Benedict " and "Thick pancakes" have been on sale since September. With the addition of the "Acai Bowl", it seems that you can enjoy the "Hawaiian Menu" more easily.