At Starbucks coffee stores (excluding some), the autumn menus "Roasted Almond Latte" and "Roasted Almond Frappuccino" using fragrant roasted almonds will be on sale from September 2nd.
Autumn menu with "roasted almonds"!
Autumn menu with "roasted almonds"!

"Roasted almond latte (hot / ice)" is a dish that you can enjoy a combination of powerful espresso, fragrant roasted almonds, and carefully steamed milk. Roasted almond sauce is mixed in the finished whipped cream, and it is said that "you can enjoy the roasted almond feeling in the whole cup". The price starts from 430 yen.

On the other hand, "Roasted Almond Frappuccino" is a Frappuccino version of "Roasted Almond Latte". It is said that the product is finished so that you can enjoy the color contrast. The price starts from 490 yen.

Both are for a limited time until October 31, and will end as soon as they run out.