From Rakuki, who develops unique products such as the world's most fragile iPhone case made of rice crackers, " Survival Senbei iPhone 5 Special Case SV3818 ", a product for Valentine's Day "Unreasonable Pain Chocolate" Koi no Esa "" will be released on January 23. It will be released.

This time too, it's elaborate ...!
This time too, it's elaborate ...!

This product is an epoch-making (?) Product in which chocolate sauce is sprinkled on the fu, which is actually used as food for carp. The name "unreasonable pain chocolate" love food "" is said to represent the pain of female psychology and the fact that the stick-shaped fu was cut.

The sender's address etc. can be entered on the back of the product, and it is said that "fun after Valentine's Day" can be fully expected even before White Day.

"Love" is small ...?
"Love" is small ...?

Products are sold on the company's mail order site. The price is 198 yen for individual sales, 1,580 yen for a set of 10 for feeding, and 3,700 yen for a set of 25 for groups (148 yen per piece), all of which do not include shipping charges.

"Distribute'love food'like a bait and receive a confession of love from an unexpected partner, get a big harvest on the upcoming White Day, and have an affair with his favorite. There may be a way to feed it so that it doesn't come out, "said a spokeswoman for the company.

If you can't distribute it, give it to the carp
If you can't distribute it, give it to the carp