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The 57 ways to reduce blood sugar levels even if you're a slacker" "Toast" to "bananas" "Standing noodles" to "steak

There are 9 million people suspected of having diabetes, a lifestyle-related disease, and more than 25 million people with high blood sugar levels who are considered pre-diabetics. Even those who do not have a problem with their blood glucose levels at the moment say, "I love fried foods. "I love fried foods. "I love alcohol! I drink every night." If you continue with these habits, you may eventually join the 25 million people.

However, it is not easy to suddenly change one's lifestyle. As a lover of fried foods, rice, and alcohol, eating is my greatest pleasure....

Fifty-seven ways to reduce blood sugar levels, even if you're a slacker

In "57 Ways to Reduce Blood Glucose Levels Quickly Even if You're a Slacker," medical doctor Hiroshige Itakura introduces 57 ways to improve blood glucose levels. In this book, Hiroshige Itakura, a medical doctor, introduces 57 ways to improve blood glucose levels without diet or exercise.

57 Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar Even if You're a Zubora" / Hiroshige Itakura

In this article, I would like to introduce some of the tips on "how to eat" from the book. All the tips are based on actual cases of patients.

Replace "toast" with "bananas" in the morning.

The "morning banana" was once a popular diet item, but it is also said to be effective in improving blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates and sugar are the foods that have the biggest impact on blood sugar levels. So, by replacing the usual jam toast or sugar-coated cornflakes with "bananas", the rise in blood sugar levels in the first 30 minutes after breakfast can be suppressed.

Change your lunchtime "standing noodles" to "steak

Standing noodles are a quick and easy way to fill up at lunchtime. On the other hand, "steak" seems to raise blood sugar levels...which is it? According to Itakura, he recommends the steak! Udon noodles eaten standing up on an empty stomach contain the two major risk factors for elevated blood sugar levels: carbohydrates and eating too fast. On the other hand, steak, or meat, has almost no carbohydrates. Of course, calorie counting is necessary, but if it's just steak, there is almost no problem with blood sugar levels. A salad and rye bread are also good choices for a balanced meal.

So far, unless you are a die-hard fan of udon noodles, you should not be forced to endure much. According to the book, the most important point about eating is to avoid "spiking" blood sugar levels. This can be done by simply being aware of your eating habits.

Incidentally, for people with prediabetes, "three to four cups of coffee a day" is said to be effective. For more information on this, please refer to the recent "Coffee Science Seminar 2013" article.

All of the 57 items are things that you can start doing right away. If you're not sure if you can do it alone, you might enjoy getting your family and colleagues involved.
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