Home   »   Recipe   »   Sweet potato   »   Recipe for "Sweet Potato Steamed Buns" Easy and fluffy with pancake mix and microwave! You can use a mug or a cocotte dish as a mold.

Recipe for "Sweet Potato Steamed Buns" Easy and fluffy with pancake mix and microwave! You can use a mug or a cocotte dish as a mold.

Easy microwave "Fluffy Sweet Potato Steamed Buns" recipe Sweet Potato Steamed Buns" recipe

Since pancake mix is used, there is no need for complicated measurements. It is very easy to make, as all you have to do is cook them in the microwave for about 5 minutes. They are moist and fluffy, and taste very satisfying!

Material ( Serves 3-4 people )
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) 1/2 a stick
pancake mix 150g (5.29oz)
egg one (object)
(cow's) milk 100cc
sugar 2 tablespoons
salad oil 2 tablespoons

Here is a recipe for moist and fluffy "Sweet Potato Steamed Buns. No difficult measurements or steps to follow because it uses pancake mix. It can be easily made in a microwave oven with a mug or a cocotte dish!

Sweet Potato Steamed Buns Recipe


1/2 sweet potato
150g (5.29oz) pancake mix
1 egg
100cc milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons salad oil


Wash sweet potato well and cut into 1cm dice with skin on.

If you have time, put them in a bowl of water to remove the scum. If you don't have time, just wash them briefly.

Put the cut sweet potatoes in a heatproof dish, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave for 4 to 5 minutes to steam.

Break eggs into a bowl and add sugar, milk, and salad oil in that order.

Add the pancake mix and steamed sweet potatoes, and mix quickly with a rubber spatula.

Fill the mold about halfway with the batter and top with a few sweet potatoes. The mold can be made in a cocotte dish, mug, or Tupperware lined with a cookie sheet, as long as it is heat resistant.

Cover with fluffy plastic wrap and microwave for 3-5 minutes. The heating time will vary depending on the size of the mold, so keep an eye on it. If the dough does not stick to the skewer, it is done!

Baked in a cocotte dish for 3 minutes

Baked in pound mold for 5 minutes

Sweet Potato Steamed Buns - How do they taste?

When you bite into it, you can smell the aroma of sweet potatoes, and it is soft and fluffy in your mouth! The texture of the sweet potatoes in the bread makes you happy, and the gentle sweetness of the sweet potatoes spreads in your mouth with each bite. Delicious!

Sweet potato steamed bread is best when freshly baked, but if it cools down, wrap it in plastic wrap and warm it in the microwave for a few dozen seconds to restore its fluffy texture. How about serving it with hot milk or other beverage of your choice for breakfast, a snack, or an evening meal?
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