Haagen-Dazs Crispy Sandwich "Kinako no Buttercream Cake

Häagen-Dazs Crispy Sandwich "Kinako no Buttercream C

ake" will be released by Häagen-Dazs on June 6. This "luxurious sweet" of kinako is softly spread with the aroma of kinako and the flavor of butter.

Crispy Sandwich "Kinako no


Cake" Crispy Sandwich "Kinako no Buttercream Cake" is a new limited time offer from Häagen-Dazs. By combining the popular "kinako" (soybean flour) with buttercream cake, which has been in the spotlight in recent years, a rich sweet taste has been created that goes perfectly with the savory flavor of the Crispy Sandwich.

Haagen-Dazs Crispy Sandwich "Kinako no Buttercream Cake

The buttercream cake ice cream, which has a rich flavor like baked sweets made with burnt butter, is filled with a savory kinako sauce, wrapped in a gently sweet kinako coating and sandwiched between crispy wafers. The combination of the kinako's savory flavor and butter gives the sweet and rich sweet taste of this sweet treat.

The product type is ice cream. The product contains 60 ml of ice cream and is priced at 351 yen (tax included). Available at supermarkets, convenience stores, and department stores nationwide.

Haagen-Dazs Crispy Sandwich "Kinako no Buttercream Cake