Haagen-Dazs Mini Cup

Häagen-Dazs Price Revision Mini Cups Crispy Sandwich Bars Assorted Boxes Pints Gift Certificates

The suggested retail prices of Häagen-Dazs products will be revised. This applies to mini cups, crispy sandwiches, bars, assortment boxes, pints, and gift certificates. Check the revision date, revised prices, etc.

The price revision is due to the recent rise in raw material prices and packaging materials against a backdrop of rising energy costs and the sharp depreciation of the yen, as well as rising logistics costs, and these trends are expected to continue over the medium to long term.

The products subject to the price revision and the details of the revision are as follows. Prices are listed at suggested retail prices (excluding tax).

Mini cups: current price 295 yen / 325 yen after revision
Crispy sandwiches: current price 295 yen / 325 yen after revision
Bars: current price 295 yen / 325 yen after revision
Assorted boxes: current price 880 yen / 925 yen after revision
Pints: current price 850 yen / 895 yen after revision
Gift certificates: current price 740 yen / 814 yen after revision