Lloyds "Nama Chocolate [Hojicha]".

Lloyds Confecto offers "Nama Chocolate [Hojicha]", "Nama Chocolate [Strawberry]", and "Nama Chocolate [Sakura Fromage]". These raw chocolates are available for a limited time and in limited quantities. Ordering period is until April 18.

Nama Chocolate [Hojicha]

Japanese fresh chocolate with the aroma of fragrant hojicha roasted over charcoal. Hojicha tea, made from domestically produced ichibancha, bancha, and stem tea and roasted over charcoal, is blended with milk chocolate. Whiskey is used to flavor the milk chocolate, giving it a savory flavor and a refreshing aftertaste. The product contains 30 pieces and is priced at 778 yen (tax included, same as below).

Lloyds "Nama Chocolate [Hojicha]".

Raw Chocolate [Strawberry]

Chocolate with the flavors of milk and strawberries melting together, accented with strawberry liqueur and crisp dry gin. The sweet and refreshing aroma, rich spreading flavor, and refreshing aftertaste are appealing. The product contains 20 pieces and is priced at 778 yen.

Lloyds "Fresh Chocolate [Strawberry]".

Raw chocolate [Sakura Fromage].

Gently fragrant cherry blossoms, cream cheese and strawberry liqueur are blended with strawberry-scented white chocolate. The soft aroma of cherry blossoms and the sweet and sour taste of strawberries spread in the mouth, mellowly melting with the richness of cheese. The product contains 20 pieces and is priced at 778 yen.

Lloyds "Fresh Chocolate [Sakura Fromage]".