Godiva "Chocolate White Chocolate Sakura Lala ♪"
The chocolate chips that look like cherry blossom petals are delicious

I have been drinking Godiva's spring limited chocolate drink "Chocolate White Chocolate Sakura Lala ♪". The pink chocolate chips that look like petals are crispy and delicious.

Godiva "Chocolate White Chocolate Sakura Lala ♪"
A cup filled with colorful cream, jelly and chocolate

The whipped cream and sakura sauce has a very sharp scent, and I'm a little surprised when I imagine the fluffy flavor like Japanese sweets.

While breaking the top layer with a straw, drink slowly and eat, and a jelly cut into small pieces appears from under the cream. It's still a Sakura flavor, but it has a milder flavor than the sauce. The texture is interesting. While comparing the richness of the texture and texture of the petal chocolate chips, you will feel very luxurious if you enjoy the richness of the white chocolate that has melted into the drink.

Godiva "Chocolate White Chocolate Sakura Lala ♪"
It's kind of like a bouquet. But it was still cold to drink outside ...

By the way, the sherbet-like ice is a nice throat, but it feels a bit cold when you still taste it outdoors. For the time being, it seems better to drink in a shop or building. By the time you sit on a park bench with a cup in your hand and the temperature is such that you can relax and enjoy yourself, the Yoshino cherry tree will surely be beginning to bloom.

Chocolixer White Chocolate Sakura Lala ♪ will be on sale until April 7th this year. Please note that it is only available at some stores and is limited in quantity, and will end as soon as it runs out. The price is 680 yen (tax included).