FamilyMart "Strawberry Shoe-with pulp and condensed milk-"
Check out FamilyMart's new arrival sweets! (The source of the image is the official website)

At each FamilyMart store, we have compiled new arrival sweets and sweet bread to be released on January 4th. Here are 4 items in the lineup you are interested in!

・ Mont Blanc pudding of Anno potato 248 yen (tax included, same below)

FamilyMart "Mont Blanc Pudding of Anno Imo"

Sweet potato pudding that is baked smoothly in the mouth. Finished with Anno potato cream topping. Rich Anno potato jam is added inside to accentuate the taste.

・ Strawberry shoe-with pulp and condensed milk-130 yen

FamilyMart "Strawberry Shoe-with pulp and condensed milk-"

Cream puff filled with strawberry cream with pulp. Condensed milk is added to strawberry puree and strawberry pulp to give it a milky feel.

・ Triangular steamed bread (walnut & raisin) 128 yen

FamilyMart "Triangle Steamed Bread (Walnut & Raisin)"

Steamed bread finished by kneading brown sugar syrup containing Okinawan brown sugar into the dough. It is topped with walnuts and raisins.

・ French cruller (Amaou strawberry jam & whipped cream) 128 yen

FamilyMart "French Cruller (Amaou Strawberry Jam & Whipped Cream)"

A donut made by sandwiching strawberry jam and whipped cream and sprinkling strawberry chocolate.