137 Degrees walnut milk and pistachio milk

Additive-free nut milk "137degrees" from Thailand

137degrees is an additive-free nut milk brand from Thailand. The company sells almond milk, which is becoming well established in Japan, as well as other less familiar milks such as walnut and pistachio. We reviewed four of them that we were interested in.

Walnut Milk Original

The ingredients are walnut milk, sunflower seeds, and coconut nectar. The aroma spreads as soon as you put it in your mouth. It tastes just like chewing on a crispy walnut. The sweetness from the coconut nectar gradually follows, leaving a mild aftertaste.

137 Degrees walnut milk
Energy is 34 kcal per 100 ml (content is 180 ml)

Pistachio Milk Original

A blend of pistachio and cashew milk. It has a rich, mild pistachio flavor. Sunflower seeds and coconut nectar are also used in this milk, giving it a unique aftertaste similar to that of apricots. At first I was like, "Is it good...? but after a sip or two, it has a strange charm that becomes addictive.

137 Degrees Pistachio Milk
slightly green

Walnut Matcha Latte

A blend of walnut milk and Japanese matcha green tea. The rich, yet refreshing flavor is similar to that of a "matcha soirate. The combination of the astringency of the walnuts and matcha gives it a crisp aftertaste.

137 Degrees Walnut Milk Matcha Latte
Lastly, I'm quite reluctant.

Belgian Chocolate Pistachio Milk

Pistachio and cashew milk with Belgian cocoa added. The cocoa is more assertive and the nutty flavor is weaker than other drinks. It is not peculiar, so we think it is the best introduction to nut milks.

137 Degrees Belgian Chocolate Pistachio Milk
feeling like dessert

Walnut and pistachio milk has a different appeal from full-bodied milk, refreshing soy milk, or mild almond milk. It is available on mail order websites, but I would be happy if it becomes more readily available at supermarkets and convenience stores in the future.

137 Degrees walnut milk and pistachio milk