A new menu has been added to FamilyMart's "convenience store coffee" service "FAMIMA CAFE". "Black tea" will be on sale from October 20th, and two types of "Matcha latte" and "cocoa" will be on sale from October 27th at each store.

Matcha latte that you can taste by pouring fluffy hot milk
Matcha latte that you can taste by pouring fluffy hot milk

Black tea is a hot menu that you can enjoy by pouring hot water into an original blended tea bag. The fragrant Darjeeling and rich Assam tea leaves are used. By using large tea leaves that do not give off unpleasant taste, it is said that it has a clear mouthfeel.

On the other hand, matcha latte and cocoa are a menu in which the original blend of matcha latte powder and cocoa powder is melted in hot water and combined with "hot milk" extracted from a coffee machine. Uji matcha ground with a stone mill is used for the matcha latte powder. Cocoa powder is a blend of four types of cocoa powder with different flavors.

The price is 100 yen for black tea and 150 yen for matcha latte and cocoa, both including tax.