"White Chocolat Strawberry" in Doutor
White chocolate x strawberry spring drink!

A new menu "White Chocolat Strawberry-Lactic Acid Bacteria Plus-" will be on sale from March 2nd at each Doutor Coffee Shop (excluding some stores). The price starts from 340 yen for S size (tax included).

This product is a drink that combines a white chocolate base with strawberry sauce, milk, and condensed milk to create a spring-like "strawberry" feeling. Topped with whipped cream and strawberry sauce, the mellow taste spreads. Approximately 10 billion "Shield Lactic Acid Bacteria M-1" are contained in one cup.

At the same time, "Milan Sand Camembert & Prosciutto" (450 yen including tax) and "Morning Cafe Set B Beef Pastrami and Cheddar Cheese" (set price 390 yen including tax) will also be on sale.

Milan Sand Camembert & Prosciutto
Also new works of Milan Sandwich