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The world's creepiest and most hobby ice cream commercial-US "Little Baby's" ice cream

" Little Baby's " is an ice cream company founded by former musicians Pete Angevine, Martin Brown and Jeffrey Ziga. Based in Philadelphia, USA, we sell handmade ice cream. They thought of establishing an ice cream company as a link between their musical activities and their lives in the future.

Initially, Little Baby's, which had no stores, sold ice cream by driving a mobile sales car with a modified bicycle. But now it has nine stores in Philadelphia, and they also sell at the stores. It's a little American dream.

Little Baby's mobile sales car

So far, it's a very good story, but from here on, it's not a very good story. The commercials released by Little Baby's this year have all been talked about in the United States as being bad taste and creepy.

The commercial in question was released in August this year to promote Little Basy's new product, Super-Premium, which contains 16% butter fat. In this commercial, which begins with the narration, "There is a reason why my skin is shiny because I'm eating the'Little Baby's' ice cream," the person who turned himself into a full-body ice cream is himself. There is an artistic (?) Expression of scooping ice cream from the head and eating it.

Scoop ice cream from your head

I'm eating that ice cream. It's true that my skin is "shiny", but ...

In the narration, "If you eat Little Baby's ice cream, everyone will hug each other and give a high five," he said, saying that the product is wonderful and that eating ice cream is fun. However, the video on the screen is just creepy and scary. No one will cheerfully ask for a high five after seeing this video.

Little Baby's による「Super-Premium」の CM

Little Baby's released another commercial in May. Here, a person who has become a whole body ice cream is inside the cone, and his head is licked from behind. This is also a very artistic (?) CM.

Is it because I'm over 40 years old that I almost scream "Kato! Behind!"

Little Baby's によるもう一本の CM「Love Lickers」
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Ice cream Small Gourmet Stories
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