Home   »   Food   »   Plain bread   »   Heart Bread Antique "Fluffy Bread on Clouds" with a fine texture and melt-in-your-mouth feel

Heart Bread Antique "Fluffy Bread on Clouds" with a fine texture and melt-in-your-mouth feel

Heart Bread Antique is selling "Fluffy Mochi Bread on Clouds" from February 15. The price including tax is 378 yen per loaf (price differs at some stores).

Fluffy Bread on Clouds

This is a new type of bread with a rich and moist texture. As the name suggests, the bread has a fine texture like that of a cloud, and it melts in the mouth.

The bread is made from domestic wheat and alphanized wheat, and is so soft and fluffy that you can tell just by holding it in your hands. The dough is prepared the day before using the "medium seed method" and fermented slowly, resulting in a bread with a strong wheat flavor and sweetness.

The dough is made by mixing a portion of the flour, water, and yeast and fermenting it. The rest of the ingredients are added to the medium, kneaded, and then fermented and baked. This process has resulted in a bread with an unprecedented texture and outstanding flavor of the ingredients. Because it contains a lot of water, it remains moist and delicious even the next day.

The fine and soft bread is perfect for breakfast. When toasted, the outside is crispy and the inside is chewy. The bread is soft and chewy, and the more you bite into it, the more delicious it becomes.
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