Today is April 1st, April Fool's Day. It's a day when you can lie once a year. However, it seems that this news that is bustling with the world is not a lie.

According to US media Foodbeast, Burger King in New Zealand has become a "motel".

Let's take a rest here
Let's take a rest here

This motel is a complete repaint of the "ordinary" motel in New Zealand as part of the promotion of Burger King's new product "Chicken Ten Dark Lisp Burger". By the way, the concept is " Why don't you flirt with chicken from beef? "

Sometimes chicken burgers are good too, right?
Sometimes chicken burgers are good too, right?

At the Burger King motel, everything from signboards and card keys to bathrobes and amenity goods in the room is "Burger King".

Burger King specifications for amenities and card keys
Burger King specifications for amenities and card keys

However, there is one thing you can't do with this motel. It's sleeping. The beds have been removed and there is a dining table in the room where you can enjoy Burger King meals.

Take a photo of your affair! ??
Take a photo of your affair! ??

As expected, New Zealand is blessed with nature, and in addition to the humor, it is huge to do. Unfortunately, the Burger King Motel is currently closed due to a promotional event. If you want to go, wait for the next (?) Open.

I'm eating, so don't disturb me!
I'm eating, so don't disturb me!

* All images are from Burger King New Zealand official Facebook page.