FamilyMart "Lemon Baum"
Famima and lemon baked goods! (All image sources are official websites)

"Lemon" baked sweets are now available at each FamilyMart store. It will be on sale from July 3rd (excluding some areas and stores).

There are 4 products in the lineup: "Lemon Bread", "Lemon Baum", "Lemon Financier" and "Lemon Donut". All of them are kneaded with lemon powder and lemon peel from Setouchi to give a refreshing taste (lemon donuts are lemon powder only).

FamilyMart "Lemon Bread"

The prices of each are as follows. All are limited in quantity.

Lemon bread 128 yen Lemon baum 125 yen Lemon financier 135 yen Lemon donut 110 yen

FamilyMart "Lemon Financier"

FamilyMart "Lemon Donut"