The annual consumption of tuna in Japan is about 4 kg per person. It seems that it is not a lie that Japanese people like tuna. On the other hand, the annual consumption of "Madai", also known as the King of Sea Bream, is 729g (25.71oz) per person. It's only one sixth of tuna.

Nevertheless, in the "Taiyaki" market, "Taiyaki" has monopolized almost 100% of the market share and has firmly prevented new entry of other seafood.

It was the people of the Tsukiji market, not the Fair Trade Commission, who set out to improve this situation and introduce healthy and fair competition to the Taiyaki market. Tsukiji "Sanokiya" sells "tuna roast" instead of "taiyaki".

This is tuna roast!
This is tuna roast!

"Sanokiya" sells "Hon-tuna" with the catchphrase "Crispy exodermis and anko Ogura" for 180 yen, and "Middle toro" for "Anko and apricot" for 200 yen. Goods. Above all, this tuna has a look that reproduces the tuna quite realistically.

Tuna roasted lineup!
Tuna roasted lineup!

Normally, Taiyaki has a flat feeling, but "this tuna" is round and reproduces the beautiful streamline that is peculiar to migratory fish. The skin is fairly firm, and a dexterous person can stand it up!

Clara stood up!
Clara stood up!

The taste is endorsed by Tsukiji Market! As the catchphrase says, the exodermis is crispy ~~.

On the other hand, the surface of the medium fatty tuna is moist and the overall finish is soft. The skin is thinner than regular Taiyaki, and you can fully enjoy the plenty of ingredients that are packed in the tuna belly!

This is "Toro" The skin is thin, so the bean paste inside is soothing.
This is "Toro" The skin is thin, so the bean paste inside is soothing.

The area around Sanokiya is a dense area of sushi restaurants with tuna pushed out to the front. Even if I sold tuna roast instead of taiyaki, it was a place that didn't feel strange at all.

A sushi restaurant located two places away from Sanokiya, I recommend tuna
A sushi restaurant located two places away from Sanokiya, I recommend tuna

Sanokiya is one step away from the Harumi-dori side of the Tsukiji Outer Market. As with many other Tsukiji stores, it will close in the evening, so be careful!

"Sanokiya" store also sells old-fashioned "cream soda"
"Sanokiya" store also sells old-fashioned "cream soda"