"Lotteria Super Cheese Day / Super Friday", a generous project for gluttons, will be held for a limited time in the latter half of October!

In this project, October 16th (Tuesday) and 23rd (Tuesday) will be designated as "Super Cheeseburger", and "Exquisite Tower Cheeseburger" (3-5) with cheese and patties of "Exquisite Cheeseburger" stacked in 3-5 layers. "Dan" (regular price 860-1,360 yen) is on sale for "500 yen"!

Furthermore, at "Super Friday" on October 19th (Friday) and 26th (Friday), " Shrimp Tree Burger (3-5 tiers)" (regular price) with 3-5 tiers of "Shrimp Burger" patties You can buy it for "500 yen" as well!

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Please note that the discount time is only between 14:00 and 18:00 on the day of the event ...!

Some people will buy one each to make a 10-tiered hamburger, but be careful not to overeat and get hungry!