Due to the influence of the global croissant boom, sweets named "croissants ●●" are becoming a new standard genre these days. Every day somewhere in the world (mainly the United States), hybrid sweets that did not exist until yesterday are being produced one after another.

Meanwhile, I found another sweet that was born in this world. "Crupcake ," a new age developed by food blogger Nick Chipman, who runs the website Dude Foods. Reported by US media Foodbeast.

What is layered on top of the croissant is ...
What is layered on top of the croissant is ...

Crupcake is a hybrid sweet with a croissant in the lower half and a cupcake in the upper half. The sound of the name is a little shocking (only me?), But the photos posted look very delicious.

In his first challenge, Nick layered the croissant and cupcake dough into a cake mold and baked it in the oven. Then, the heat did not reach the bottom, and it seems that only the cupcake was baked while the croissant was half a lifetime.

So, in the second challenge, I put the pre-baked croissants in a mold, poured the cupcake dough over it, and put it in the oven. Then, the perfect Crupcake was completed.

The lower half is a croissant. There is a beautiful layer
The lower half is a croissant. There is a beautiful layer

Making croissants from dough should take quite a bit of skill and time. But for Nick, they didn't seem to be a problem, and the only hard part was "I had no idea how to top the cream clean."

Even so, he tried more than 20 times and finally succeeded in finishing the appearance beautifully.

Looks pretty good
Looks pretty good

"I'm not a sweets fan, so half a croissant and half a cupcake was perfect for me," he said of Crupcake. However, the next time I make another Crupcake, he says, "I'd like to put an apple pie filling or something between the doughs, because it will taste even better."

It's a pity that we can't buy it because it was made as an "experiment" by Nick, but if you are confident in your sweets making skills, why not make your own Crupcake with reference to Nick?

* All images are from Dude Foods