Chinese steamed buns with Napolitan inside were on sale at each Ministop store. Its name is "Naporitan Man". That's right!

Napolitan in the Chinese steamed bun ...?
Napolitan in the Chinese steamed bun ...?

I happened to find " Naporitan Man" at Ministop, which I stopped by to eat "Kariman". It feels a little strange because it's in the showcase that says "Chinese dim sum", but you can buy it without worrying about it! It was 110 yen per piece.

Literally, only one unique "Naporitan Man"
Literally, only one unique "Naporitan Man"

Moist and chewy orange skin. Breaking the inside ... Oh, this is Napolitan no matter how you look at it! !!

It's kind of like a hamburger
It's kind of like a hamburger

The claim is amazing from the sheet paper
The claim is amazing from the sheet paper

Hokuhoku Napolitan is coming out from inside ~
Hokuhoku Napolitan is coming out from inside ~

Not only spaghetti noodles, but also standard ingredients such as onions, peppers, and wieners are included. The sweet and spicy ketchup invites nostalgia. This is the gentle taste of a Western-style restaurant that is loved by all ages. It reminds me of those days when I was pure and innocent, with a bright red color around my mouth and a naporitan.

Can you see the rugged ingredients?
Can you see the rugged ingredients?

An ant, a collaboration between Chinese and Western food! Wrapped in the skin of Chinese steamed buns, there is also the advantage that the heat does not escape and you can eat Napolitan in a relaxed state ...? If you are interested, please try it!