Three types of "original aroma candles" that are deformed from Morinaga Milk Industry's popular ice series "PARM" will be released on December 6th. The estimated price is 525 yen each.

A gift for that girl who loves Palm
A gift for that girl who loves Palm

"PARM Original Aroma Candle" is an aroma candle inspired by the color and scent of "PARM" ice cream. All three types are available: "PARM Chocolate," "PARM Strawberry," and "PARM Orange & Vanilla."

"PARM Chocolate" is a white vanilla ice bar with chocolate on it. When you light a candle, you can enjoy the scent of vanilla and chocolate at the same time.

The smooth texture of PARM is beautifully reproduced.
The smooth texture of PARM is beautifully reproduced.

"PARM Strawberry" and "PARM Orange & Vanilla" are ice bars with smooth ice and juicy fruit sorbet mixed in a spiral shape, coated with pulp and juice. "Strawberry" has a gorgeous pink color and a strawberry scent, and "Orange & Vanilla" has a bright orange color and a rich orange scent.

Sweet and sour "Fruit Palm Strawberry" just by looking at it
Sweet and sour "Fruit Palm Strawberry" just by looking at it

Rich orange scent "Fruit Palm Orange & Vanilla"
Rich orange scent "Fruit Palm Orange & Vanilla"