The basics of dieting are dietary restrictions and moderate exercise. However, it is difficult to reduce the amount of food. Or rather, it's spicy.

Jo Djauhari, Fajar Kurnia, and Jeremy Chia, who live in Indonesia, have created the tableware "HALVED (half)", which is a strong ally with such spicy and painful dietary restrictions. Currently, Kickstarter is looking for investors.

"HALVED (half)", an ally with strong dietary restrictions
"HALVED (half)", an ally with strong dietary restrictions

"HALVED" is a set of "dish", "bowl" and "mug" shaped like ordinary tableware cut in two in the middle. This shape forces the amount of food to be cut in half, enabling weight loss. The three developers described the motives for making HALVED as follows.

"HALVED" is a set of halved plates, bowls and mugs
"HALVED" is a set of halved plates, bowls and mugs

"We love to eat, but we are advised to eat less to stay healthy. This is psychologically difficult. There is a bit of food on a large plate. It makes me feel very sad when I see it.

So we thought we should halve the plate. This way, even if the amount of food is small, the plate will always be full of food. "

The three developers came up with this idea while having dinner together, and wanted to make it happen.

Example of serving on HALVED: Even if the amount of food is half, are you feeling full?
Example of serving on HALVED: Even if the amount of food is half, are you feeling full?

HALVED is planned to have five color variations: green, blue, yellow, white, and brown. Currently, blue, green, and yellow have been produced as prototypes.

One of the prototypes, a green mug, looks really hard to drink
One of the prototypes, a green mug, looks really hard to drink

The price is 60 pounds (about 8,945 yen) as a set. It is also sold separately.

The three developers have not received any advice from nutrition experts. For this reason, even with HALVED, weight loss may fail (no, it will). Developers say they want HALVED to be a fun tool for weight loss.