A Burger King hamburger purchased by a woman in Willits, California, USA, was hit by a razor blade. The woman was not injured. US media News10 ABC reports.

Reproduced image using a razor blade of the same type as the one found (Source: News10 ABC)
Reproduced image using a razor blade of the same type as the one found (Source: News10 ABC)

According to the media, a 46-year-old woman, Yolanda Orozco, discovered a razor blade in a hamburger. He said he found a razor blade between the cheese and the patty in an attempt to see the onion in the hamburger.

Yolanda Orozco found a razor blade in a hamburger (Source: News10 ABC)
Yolanda Orozco found a razor blade in a hamburger (Source: News10 ABC)

Police officer Mark McNelley, who received a report from Orozco, said:

"To be honest, I thought the report was a fake."

But that night, McNelley and his partner were guided through the kitchen by a Burger King clerk and found many razor blades.

"I was really surprised because I didn't expect to see it."

A Burger King clerk explained that he used a razor blade to clean utensils and other items.

Investigation revealed that the razor blade was accidentally mixed in while cooking the hamburger.

News10 ABC reports that the fact that it was accidentally mixed in is horrifying. If it is intentional, you can just arrest the criminal. However, in this case, similar accidents may occur in the future.

Burger King has issued the following statement on this matter:

"Food safety is a top priority in Burger King around the world. Whenever Burger King's food handling procedures place a razor blade at or near where food is cooked. However, it is strictly prohibited. Although this is an accident peculiar to the store, Burger King takes this case seriously and strengthens compliance with cooking procedures with franchise members who own and operate the store. We will strive to re-educate our staff, and franchise merchants will cooperate with local authorities. "