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Kirfebon finally opens in Abeno--The commemorative tart is "Gokusen Banana x Mango"

On April 25, the tart specialty store "Kilfe Bon Abeno Hoop Store" (Abeno-ku, Osaka) opened. In commemoration of that, a limited edition tart "" Gokusen Banana "and Mango Tart-Coconut Flavor-" was released on the same day.

To commemorate the opening of the Abeno Hoop store, "" Gokusen Banana "and Mango Tart" (Source: Kirfebon Official Facebook Page)

This tart uses "Gokusen Banana", which is characterized by its rich sweetness and chewy texture, and Pelican Mango, which allows you to enjoy a smooth texture. The tart dough contains almond mousse and coconut brulee, topped with mango and banana pulp, mango sauce, and yellow cream with mango puree. It seems that you can enjoy the rich flavor of each material.

At the Grand Front Osaka store (Kita-ku, Osaka), "Mixed Fruit Tart-Mango Caramel Flavor-" was released on April 25th to commemorate the 1st anniversary of its opening. Mango and caramel are added to the "Mixed Juice Tart " sold at the time of opening last year, and it is said that it is colorfully finished with plenty of fruits.

Grand Front Osaka store 1st anniversary tart (Source: Qu'il fait bon official Facebook page)

All are limited to each store until May 31st.
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