Home   »   Recipe   »   Eggplant   »   "Eggplant tuna miso grilled" recipe! Easy with a toaster Tuna x tuna with plenty of umami

"Eggplant tuna miso grilled" recipe! Easy with a toaster Tuna x tuna with plenty of umami

Easy with a toaster "Eggplant tuna miso-yaki" Tuna x miso with plenty of flavor!

Introducing the recipe for "eggplant tuna miso-yaki" that you can easily make with a toaster. With plenty of tuna and tuna, it is also recommended as a snack for sake.

Material ( For 2 people )
Eggplant 2 pieces
Tuna can 1/2 can (about 40g)
egg yolk 1 piece
mayonnaise 2 tsp
Miso 1 tsp
Coarse black pepper Appropriate amount

Introducing the recipe for "eggplant tuna miso-yaki" that you can easily make with a toaster. With plenty of tuna and tuna, it is also recommended as a snack for sake.

Eggplant tuna miso grilled

Ingredients (for 2 people)

2 eggplants Tuna cans 1/2 cans (approx. 40g (1.41oz))
1 egg yolk 2 teaspoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon miso
Coarse black pepper Appropriate amount

How to make eggplant tuna miso

Wash the eggplant, remove the calyx, and slice it to a thickness of 1 cm. Spread the aluminum foil that is the size of the toaster saucer and arrange them so that they do not overlap.

Mix canned tuna, egg yolk, mayonnaise, and miso in a container to make tuna miso.

Apply tuna miso on the top of the eggplant and bake in a toaster until it is browned.

After taking it out, shake the coarse black pepper to complete.

What is the taste of eggplant tuna miso-yaki?

The rich taste of tuna miso filling matches the refreshing eggplant! By adding egg yolk to the filling, the presence is increased, and the filling is fragrant and has a satisfying taste. This recipe is easy to make with a toaster and is also recommended as a snack for sake.
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