KALDI "Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon

KALDIo Original Black Tea Earl

Grey L

emon I actually purchased and drank KALDIo Original "Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon" sold at KALDIo. The price is 486 yen per bottle (tax included).

Black Tea Earl

Grey Lemon

: Black tea from Sri Lanka with lemon juice from Sicily, Italy, and a refreshing bergamot aroma. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, and its 5x dilution makes it a great syrup for shaved ice or granite if you make it thicker.


First of all, the packaging is cute! The packaging is cute, with a teacup, a pot, and macaroons on it, making you feel like it's teatime.

KALDI "Original Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon
Original Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon

When drinking it iced, it is recommended to mix 1 part black tea to 4 parts water or soda water, and 1 part black tea to 4 parts water when drinking it hot. This time, I decided to try it iced.

KALDI "Original Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon

It has a refreshing citrus aroma and Earl Grey flavor. It also has a hint of sweetness, but not too much. You can drink it while you are thirsty! You can easily enjoy a coffee shop atmosphere at home. It is also delicious with sliced lemon!

KALDI "Original Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon

Black Tea Earl Grey Lemon" can be used not only as a drink, but also as a syrup for ice cream and shaved ice. It will be useful to have a bottle in the refrigerator from now on when the weather gets warmer!