Subway "Gut Sandwich Chicken and Cheese

Subway G

ut Life Sandwich Chicken

and Cheese

We tried the "Gut Life Sandwich Chicken and Cheese," a sandwich menu item available at Subway. The price is 550 yen for regular and 990 yen for footlong (tax included).

Gut Katsudo Sandwich


and Cheese "Gut Katsudo Sandwich Chicken and Cheese" is a low-sugar, high-protein chicken breast topped with natural sliced cheese made from 100% Dutch Gouda cheese. The amount of dietary fiber per serving is said to be 6.6g (0.21oz) (when finished with "Recommended") when the "Ao Shiso Non-Oil Dressing" and the vegetables placed in the sandwich are combined.

Subway "Gut Sandwich Chicken and Cheese

This time, I ordered everything on the "recommended" side without any arrangement. The bread is "Honey Oats" and the dressing is "Ao Shiso Non-Oil Dressing. The dressing is "Inulia*" developed by Teijin. The sandwich was toasted.

Subway "Gut Sandwich Chicken and Cheese

Regular size (recommended finish), nutritional information is as follows

Calories: 339 kcal
Protein: 24.7 g
Fat: .9 g
Carbohydrates: 45.9 g
Sugar: 39.4 g
Sodium: 1181 mg
Salt equivalent: 3.0 g

Subway "Gut Sandwich Chicken and Cheese
(Image taken from the official website)

Actual Tasting

Plenty of fresh vegetables: lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes, and onions! The chicken meat is also moist and not dry. The fresh green shiso non-oil dressing goes well with the chicken! Wheat topped with honey, oats, and soy oats mix, the honey oats are savory and have a nice petite texture.

Subway "Gut Sandwich Chicken and Cheese

The key is the flavorful natural sliced cheese! It adds mellowness and richness, making it a mouth-watering delicacy. There is a big difference between having cheese and not having cheese! The cheese itself is thick and well rounded.

Subway "Gut Sandwich Chicken and Cheese

Although we did not choose it this time, the recommended topping is avocado. It is true that the addition of avocado to this dish will make it mellower and more satisfying! Subway's "Gut Life Sandwich Chicken and Cheese" can be enjoyed while taking care of your health. Would you like to try it for lunch today?

Inulia, a soluble dietary fiber, is a trademark of Teijin for inulin, a plant-derived soluble dietary fiber extracted from the root of the chicory plant. Not only is it an easy way to supplement soluble dietary fiber, but it can also be used as a sugar substitute, fat substitute, etc.