Legendary Sutadon restaurant "Thick sliced pork teriyaki mutton bowl".
Thick sliced pork teriyaki mashed rice bowl

Densetsu no Sut

adon-ya: Thick-cut Goku Pork Territa Masta Don,

Karaage Gozuri Territa Masta Don, and Thick-cut Goku Pork Territa Masta Don with Pork

Belly W-package Densetsu no Sutadon-ya, the famous Sutadon restaurant, announced on its official website that "Thick-cut Goku Pork Territa Masta Don," "Karaage Gozuri Territa Masta Don," and "Thick-cut Goku Pork Territa Masta Don with Pork Belly W-package" will be available They will be available from April 3, 2023.

Densetsu no Sutadon-ya "Thick-cut Gokkiri Gokkiri Pork Teriyaki Sutadon", "Karaage Gozari Teriyaki Sutadon", "Thick-cut Gokkiri Gokkiri Pork Teriyaki Sutadon with Pork Belly W-slice".

The "Thick-cut Gokkiri Gokkiri Pork Territo


Don" is a menu item that expresses "Haru ha Territo Tama" in a Sutadon-ya style. It consists of 1.4 times the amount of thickly sliced, marinated, tender pork belly, topped with the restaurant's special garlic soy sauce-based sweet and spicy sutamina teriyaki sauce, and paired with thick on-tama (thickly sliced, tender, pork belly). Priced at 980 yen (tax included).

KARAAGE Gozeizakari

Territa M

asta Don: "KARAAGE Gozeizakari Territa Masta Don" consists of "Thick sliced pork territa masta don" and three pieces of "Sutaminato karaage" (deep fried fish). The price is 1,280 yen.

Thick sliced pork terita mashed rice bowl with


belly on top "Thick sliced pork terita mashed rice bowl with pork belly on top" is a double portion of thickly sliced marinated tender pork belly compared to the "Thick sliced pork terita mashed rice bowl". The price is 1,580 yen.

It may not be available at all stores, and the price may differ. Please contact the nearest store directly for more information. To go and delivery are also available, but at different prices.