Kanro "Marosh Ume Soda Flavor

Marosh Ume

Soda Flavor

Marosh Ume Soda Flavor will be available from the "Marosh" series, which has been attracting attention for its "mogifuwa" (soft and chewy texture). The product weighs 46 grams and is priced at 160 yen (tax included).

Marosh Ume Soda


Marosh Ume Soda Flavor is perfect for the plum blossom season. It has a refreshing sweet and sour taste with the nostalgia of a candy bar, and features large, chewy whip-shaped pieces. The top of the package is designed in five different colors, creating a gorgeous, cute pop finish in time with the blooming of the plum blossoms. On the back of the Marosh logo is a "omikuji" (a written oracle), which offers a total of seven positive one-word messages.


"Marosh" is characterized by its "mogifuwa" texture, which changes from elasticity to a fluffy marshmallow-like texture as you eat it. Or is it gummy? Since its launch in 2021, the product has attracted a lot of attention. The surface is coated with a mouth-watering refreshing powder, and while the powder spreads in the mouth and gives a refreshing sensation, the chewy texture gives the product a chewy feel.