LAWSON "Café Au Lait, Lenoir Café Au Lait

LAWSON "Café Lenoir Cafe Au

Lait" LAWSON will sell "Café Lenoir Cafe Au Lait" supervised by Ginza Lenoir on a limited basis from January 24 (Tuesday).


first Coffee Shop Renoir opened in Nihonbashi, Tokyo in 1964. The "Café Au Lait" is a reissue blend of the original Café Au Lait, which was enjoyed in those days when strong coffee with milk and sugar was a luxury item. The old-fashioned Cafe Au Lait can be easily enjoyed in a chilled cup.

The refreshing sweetness makes it perfect for lunchtime as well.

LAWSON "Café Au Lait, Lenoir Café Au Lait

The exterior color scheme is black and beige. The design is typical of the Renoir Cafe Au Lait, which is also suitable for meetings in the office.

LAWSON "Café Au Lait, Lenoir Café Au Lait

Café Au Lait Suggested retail

price: 188 yen (including tax)
Volume: 220 ml
Calories: 101 kcal per bottle
*Some stores and regions may not carry the product.
*Sales may end without notice in some regions.