Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie zoni, ranked by nutrients and calories in all of Japan!

Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie ozoni.

Lifelog Technology, the developer and provider of CaloMill, has released a ranking of ozoni for those concerned about New Year's weight gain and nutritional balance.

Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie zoni, ranked by nutrients and calories in all of Japan!


Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie zoni, ranked by nutrients and calories in all of Japan!

The top low-calorie ozoni ranking was Yamaguchi Prefecture's Kabu Zoni. This simple zoni consists of rice cake, turnips, and mitsuba in a clear soup, and has 130 kcal.

Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie zoni, ranked by nutrients and calories in all of Japan!

Ishikawa Prefecture's "Negi Zoni," also ranked No. 1, is also quite healthy at 130 kcal. Other ranked ozoni also use simple ingredients such as greens, bonito flakes, and seaweed.

If you have had a binge at the end of the year, you may want to get these ozoni recipes and enjoy a low-calorie ozoni.

Zoni that are rich in

dietary fiber

Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie zoni, ranked by nutrients and calories in all of Japan!

The No. 1 ozoni richest in dietary fiber is natto zoni, which is eaten in some areas of Kumamoto Prefecture. In this zoni, only the round rice cake is taken out from the soup stock made from bonito and kelp, seasoned with sweet soy sauce, and dipped in natto (fermented soybeans). The natto is a good source of protein as well as dietary fiber.

The second-ranked "azuki zoni" eaten in Tottori Prefecture is a zenzai-type ozoni, and is eaten not only in the San-in region but also throughout Japan. Azuki is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin B group, minerals, and polyphenols. Since it contains a lot of insoluble dietary fiber, it is expected to improve constipation.

Zoni that are rich in protein

Yamaguchi Prefecture's "Kabu Zoni" is the lowest calorie zoni, ranked by nutrients and calories in all of Japan!

No. 1 is Shimane Prefecture's "Ayu Zoni" (sweetfish stew). The broth is made from dried ayu fish, and the standard way of eating ayu fish is to serve it as it is in the bowl after boiling. The whole ayu fish is included in the zoni, so it is not only a good source of protein, but it is also low in fat.

The second-ranked dish, "Kurumi Zoni," originated in Iwate, is a zoni filled with ingredients such as salmon roe and vegetables, and the rice cake is served with a walnut sauce that is served separately. Walnuts are rich in protein and contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.