Hotto Motto "Year End Pack".

Hotto M


"Year-End Pack" Value Sets

Hotto Motto will offer "Year-End Packs," special value sets combining family menus and chicken variety packs, for a limited time from December 17 (Sat) to December 31 (Sat).

The lineup includes the "Year-End Pack (Special)," a luxurious combination, the "Year-End Pack (Regular)," and the affordable "Year-End Pack (Casual). Save up to 600 yen.

Year-End Pack (


Family Steak Garlic Rice
Family Western Plate
Chicken Variety Pack (Double)

Hotto Motto "Year End Pack".

Set Price 4,100 yen / Special Price 3,500 yen

Year End Pack

(Regular) Contents
Family Steak Garlic Rice
Family Neapolitan
Chicken Variety Pack (Single)

Hotto Motto "Year End Pack".

Set price 2,760 yen / Special price 2,500 yen


pack (casual

) Contents
Family Yakiniku Garlic Rice
Family Neapolitan
Chicken Basket

Hotto Motto "Year End Pack".

Set price 2,040 yen / special price 2,000 yen

* All prices include tax
* Product contents differ at "Hotto Motto Grill"
* "Year End Pack" is not available at "Hotto Motto Grill" Gakugei Daigaku Station East Exit Branch
* "Year End Pack" is not available at other companies' delivery service