Kentucky New Product: "Lobster Fillet Burger with Spreading Taste of Lobster


Fried Chicken will launch "Lobster Fillet Burger" and "Lobster Cheese Fillet Burger" at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The "Lobster Fillet


" is a new burger that is perfect for the chilly winter season. The "Lobster Fillet Burger" is a rich bisque creamy croquette that contains the delicious taste of lobster, topped with stewed tomato sauce, and served with a boneless Kentucky Fried Chicken burger.

Kentucky New Product: "Lobster Fillet Burger with Spreading Taste of Lobster

The moment you eat it, the rich lobster flavor overflows and fills your mouth. The warmth of the lobster is also locked in along with the flavor.

The product will go on sale on November 16. The price is 490 yen.

Cheese Fillet Bur

ger with the Delicious Taste of Lobster Recommended for those seeking a richer taste and for cheese lovers. The moment you eat it, the mellow aroma of rich, flavorful cheddar cheese spreads out as if it were chasing the lobster flavor that fills your mouth. The combination of the richness of the cheese and lobster makes this a luxurious dish.

Kentucky New Product "Cheese Fillet Burger with the Delicious Spread of Lobster Taste

On sale November 16. Price: 520 yen.

Lobster Fillet Burger


: Lobster Fillet Burger, Potato S, Drink M. On sale November 16. Price: 840 yen.

Lobster Fillet Burger


: Lobster Fillet Burger, Potato S, Drink M, Original Chicken, and Biscuit. Price: 1,040 yen.

Lobster Fillet Burger


: Lobster Fillet Burger, Fries S, Drink M. On sale November 16, priced at 870 yen. Price: 870 yen.

Cheese filet burger


: Lobster filet burger, potato S, drink M, original chicken, and cookie. Price: 1,070 yen.

All prices include tax.
All prices include tax.