7-ELEVEN Premium's "Half-Frozen Delicious Catalana" is reviewed in person. Enjoy the melt-in-your-mouth smooth texture of this half-frozen sweet.

Half-frozen Catalana

7-ELEVEN Premium "Semi-Frozen and Delicious Catalana

Enjoy the melt-in-your-mouth smooth texture of this half-defrosted sweet. Sold in the frozen section. Comes with an optional caramel syrup.

7-ELEVEN Premium "Semi-Frozen and Delicious Catalana

The product will go on sale on August 8, 2022, and is priced at 429 yen (tax included) for two 65 g packages. 206 kcal per package. Some stores do not carry it.

Defrost for 15 minutes at room temperature (25°C). Pour caramel syrup over the top just before eating.

7-ELEVEN Premium "Semi-Frozen and Delicious Catalana

How does a half-frozen, delicious catalana taste?

7-ELEVEN Premium "Semi-Frozen and Delicious Catalana

Even half defrosted, it is soft and fluffy and can be scooped with a spoon. It tastes cool and slightly crispy in the mouth. After that, it melts smoothly. It tastes like a creamy, rich custard with a rich egg and milk flavor.

7-ELEVEN Premium "Semi-Frozen and Delicious Catalana

It is a perfect match for the strong sweetness and savory flavor of the caramel syrup! Soft than pudding and firm than ice cream, it is just in between the two. You can make it luxurious by topping it with fruits and other toppings.