Ministop "Premium Beni Imo Soft

Ministop will sell "Premium Red Potato Soft" and "Taiwan Honey Potato Soft". The release date is August 26. Prices are 399.60 yen and 388.80 yen (both including tax).

Premium Beni Imo Soft

This luxurious soft serve ice cream is made from Okinawan ingredients. The aroma of red potatoes spreads from the first bite. The rich red sweet potato cream and crunchy caramelized brown sugar accent the texture. It can also be ordered in a cup. Ishigaki no Salt is a registered trademark and is manufactured by "Ishigaki no Salt Co.

Ministop "Premium Beni Imo Soft

Taiwanese honey sweet potato soft serve

This is a "hot and cold" sweet that combines the golden color, fragrant, honey-rich yaki-imo (Taiwanese honey potato) and our signature soft-serve ice cream. The warm, sticky-sweet yaki-imo and the cool, refreshing soft serve ice cream melt together to create a hybrid sweet. Enjoy it while the sweet potato is still warm.

Ministop "Premium Beni Imo Soft

Tax included prices are shown at the reduced tax rate of 8% applicable to take-out. The standard tax rate of 10% applies when eating and drinking at the eat-in space.