Takakuracho Coffee "Peach Ricotta Pancakes

Check out all the new peach flavored gourmet products! Starbucks Peachy Pineapple Milk with Peach Jelly", "Yogurt Float with White Peach Fruit", "~Tarte Tiara~ Peach and Wasanbon Cream Tart", "Peach Ricotta Pancake", "Takakuracho Coffee". Click on each menu name to jump to the detailed article page.

Starbucks Peachy Pineapple Milk with Peach Jelly

Starbucks Pe achy Pineapple Milk with Peach Jelly" will be released from the Starbucks chilled cup series. This dessert beverage combines juicy peaches and creamy milk with a refreshing pineapple flavor.

Starbucks "Starbucks Peachy Pineapple Milk with Peach Jelly

White Peach Fruit Yogurt Float

The "White Peach Fruit Yogurt Float " has been announced on the official website as a seasonal drink menu item from Café Lenoir. This yogurt float combines syrup made from white peaches, which are in season, and fruit sauce. This drink is full of mild and mellow white peaches.

Café Lenoir "Yogurt Float with White Peach Fruit

~Tarte Tiara: Peach and Wasanbon Cream Tart

KIRUFEVON will release "Tarte Tiara - Peach and Wasanbon Cream Tart". This is a new tart in the shape of a tiara to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the company's founding.

Kilfebbon "Tarte Tiara - Peach and Wasanbon Cream Tart

Peach Ricotta Pancakes

Takakuracho Coffee has announced on its official website that its recommended summer ricotta pancake, "Peach Ricotta Pancake," is now available. It is said to be made with whole peaches from Yamanashi.

Takakuracho Coffee "Peach Ricotta Pancakes