LAWSON "Okinawa Mozuku Tofu Salad" (Okinawan Mozuku Tofu Salad)

I tried Lawson's "Okinawa Mozuku Tofu Salad". This dish offers the textures of smooth tofu and curky mozuku seaweed. It contains 116 kcal, 8.6g (0.21oz) protein, 4.6g (0.21oz) fat, 8.2g (0.07oz) carbohydrate, 3.7g (0.25oz) in dietary fiber, and 3.17g (0.6oz) salt equivalent.

Okinawa Mozuku Tofu Salad

LAWSON "Okinawa Mozuku Tofu Salad" (Okinawan Mozuku Tofu Salad)

Okinawan mozuku seaweed is made into a salad that can be enjoyed as a refreshing snack. Toppings include okra, wakame seaweed, and red chives, which go well with tofu. It is paired with a refreshing yet umami kombu ponzu (kelp vinegar). The bottom of the dish is covered with crunchy daikon radish.

LAWSON "Okinawa Mozuku Tofu Salad" (Okinawan Mozuku Tofu Salad)

After opening the package and pouring the ponzu vinegar over the tofu, cut the tofu with chopsticks or a fork and eat it with the mozuku, which is a delightful combination of a thick mouth feel and the texture of the sizzling seaweed. The okra, wakame seaweed, and red chives also have their own unique characteristics, and they complement the crunchy daikon radish, making it easy to finish the dish without getting tired of it.

LAWSON "Okinawa Mozuku Tofu Salad" (Okinawan Mozuku Tofu Salad)

One rice ball and this salad is enough to make a hearty lunch. If you want to drink, jasmine tea or Okinawan beer would be a perfect match.