Junko Cafe Miniature Collection Vol. 3" from Ken Elephant.
(Image taken from the official website)

Ken-Elephant will begin selling the interior figure "Junsha Miniature Collection Vol. 3" in late May. Sales will begin sequentially at capsule toy sales outlets nationwide, hobby stores, online stores, bookstores, KenElephant Akihabara and Shinbashi Station stores, Ueno Land, KenElephant Lagoon, and other stores. Prices are 400 yen for capsules and 440 yen for a box (both tax included). Contents are random.

Junsha Miniature Collection Vol. 3

Popular menu items from real coffee shops in the Tokai region have been made into miniatures. The lineup includes a total of five types. A separate explanation book with a newly written column and a napkin with the logo of each store are also included.

Chantilly Rouge Special/Coffee House Kako
Soda Float (either green or blue) / Coffee House Karasu
Coffee / Coffee Don
Shrimp fried sandwich (to go)/Compal
Sabalan/Coffee shop Bonbon

The "Junshocha Miniature Collection Vol. 3" is a collection of interior figures that you can enjoy taking pictures of or displaying on a shelf. Why not try to complete the collection?