Ministop "Waffle Cone Kokoku no Milk Vanilla

Waffle Cone Kokoku no Milk Vanilla will be released as an original ice cream product at Ministop on April 19. This product uses the same Hokkaido milk as the soft-serve ice cream vanilla.

Waffle Cone Kokoku no Milk Vanilla

Waffle Cone Kokoku no Milk Vanilla is a vanilla ice cream made from the same Hokkaido milk as Ministop's popular soft-serve ice cream vanilla. It has a rich flavor and is a product unique to Ministop, which also pays close attention to the ingredients. The use of condensed milk as a secret ingredient gives the product a rich, milky taste.

The price is 198 yen (tax included, 8%). The standard tax rate of 10% will be applied when eating and drinking at the eat-in space.