Kameya Mannendo "Honki no Kashiwa Mochi
(Image source: Kameya Mannendo official website)

Kameya Mannendo has announced on its official website that a lucky oak rice cake will be available as "Serious Kashiwa Mochi". It will be sold at direct sales stores for a limited time.

Kameya Mannendo Honki no Kashiwa Mochi

It is believed to be a confectionery made to wish for the healthy and carefree growth of children. At Kameya Mannendo, the rice cake is softened while retaining its firmness, and is filled with a flavorful red bean paste. There are three types of an filling: "Koshi An", "Tsubu An", and "Miso An", and the sales period differs for each.

Kashiwa Mochi Koshi An

Koshi An" Kashiwa Mochi will be available from April 5 to May 15. Each piece has 111 kcal and is priced at 216 yen (tax included).

Kashiwa Mochi with Tsubu-An

Kashiwa Mochi with "tsubu-an" (sweet red bean paste) will also be on sale from April 5 to May 15. The calorie count is estimated to be 127 kcal per piece. The price is 216 yen per piece.

Kashiwa Mochi with Miso An

Miso-an" Kashiwa Mochi can be ordered from April 5 to May 5. The calorie count is 107 kcal per piece. The selling price is 216 yen per piece.