KALDI Craft Ginger

Here is a list of recommended drink products at KALDI's. They are "Craft Ginger," "Original Butterfly Pea Syrup," and "Kagoshima Burdock Tea."

Craft Ginger

Craft ginger syrup made with less sweetness and a tangy, pungent ginger flavor. Ginger ale can be easily made by simply mixing it with carbonated water.

KALDI Craft Ginger

When you actually drink it, the spiciness of the ginger is intense! It is moderately sweet, enhancing the impact of the ginger. It has a strong flavor, so it goes well with strong carbonation.

]]Click here for a detailed review of Craft G inger.

Original Butterfly Pea Syrup

KALDI's Original Butterfly Pea Syrup is a blue concentrated syrup made from butterfly pea, an herb that produces blue flowers. It is flavored with citrus fruits such as bergamot and summer tangerine. It is easy to enjoy a Butterfly Pea drink by simply mixing it with water, soda, or alcohol.

KALDI Butterfly Pea Syrup

]For more information, click here " Original Butterfly Pea Syrup".

Kagoshima burdock tea

100% Kagoshima burdocks with skin are used. Slowly roasted to create a savory, mild, and easy-to-drink flavor. The ingredients are finely ground so that they can be easily extracted.

KALDI Kagoshima burdock tea

The actual drink is aromatic and mild. It has an easy-to-drink taste with no astringency or bitterness. The aroma is not too strong, so it is good to drink with a meal. It contains inulin, a dietary fiber, and is expected to relieve constipation.

]]For a detailed review, click here " Kagoshima burdock tea